About Me

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Poteau, Oklahoma, United States
Hi... Welcome to my blog! Share my interest, my thoughts and my opinions! I have a wonderful husband Scott and 3 kids Dakota 16, Bethany 11 and my step-son Zachary 13. ***PLEASE leave comments, I LOVE THEM!!! And it helps to know my blog is'nt just a waste!! =)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Catching up.....

I have been so slacking in the blog department! I have however found time to read most of your blogs. (those of you that have'nt been slacking too!) Gosh, where do i start...BUSY BUSY BUSY!! Oh and SICK!! Last week I had a terrible head cold, does that count for anything? Then there was Thanksgiving and Oh, how thankful I was for Furrs buffet...no clean-up! But no leftovers either :( Then of course there was Black Friday, has it always been called that?? I go every year and this was the first I had heard that and OMG, people are crazy!! Ok, well some are! I was totally normal and patient. I never pushed, grabbed or cussed! (I patted myself on the back, TY) Scott and I did some heavy shopping, starting at 5am and at about 730am we hit Furrs again for breakfast...WOW, that was delicious!! Then shopped somemore and around noon we went to the movies and seen Four Christmas's, I am such a huge Reece fan, I just have nothing bad to say about her. It was a funny and cute movie!! Confession Time!! when Scott and I got home, we started to wrap the gifts before kids came home and well ummm, WE PLAYED WITH SOME OF THEM BEFORE WE WRAPPED THEM!!! THERE!!! I DID IT!! Was that wrong?? It was FUN!!! I just hope nothing was saved on the XBOX!! LOL!! I know it has been 6 days since my last post...my goal is to not exceed 3 *wink but life just gets CRAZY sometimes!!!

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