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Poteau, Oklahoma, United States
Hi... Welcome to my blog! Share my interest, my thoughts and my opinions! I have a wonderful husband Scott and 3 kids Dakota 16, Bethany 11 and my step-son Zachary 13. ***PLEASE leave comments, I LOVE THEM!!! And it helps to know my blog is'nt just a waste!! =)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

No time to clown around!!

I have to say it...What a DISAPPOINTMENT!!! Lets start at the beginning, here it is 830p when we are trying to follow these sign in the middle of nowhere and NO LIGHTS!! When we arrived the line was so long but heck we THOUGHT "it must move pretty fast, considering it was still early and ppl were still arriving. So we wait!! They let around 10 ppl to a group in. We were by the back door so we saw the groups as they left. We stood there for nearly 3hrs....yep you got it right! Freezing cold and seemed like we were going nowhere!! In this time frame we seen possibly 10 groups go thru and we only moved maybe 12 car spaces. Needless to say we left at 1130 without being frightened!! We were of course PI**ED!!!I understand these are volunteers and alot of kids but they were taking break after break..if they would just move alittle faster they would make ALOT MORE CASH!!! (I guess this is what i get for thinking!!!!)

1 comment:

Crystal said...

That sucks! I have only been to a couple of haunted houses that were really good. They used to have good ones all the time.

Judgment house is going on in Heavener - it's religious - but I hear it is scary. Our church wont let us take kids under 12.